President’s Corner – Face-to-Face Is a Thrill!

Kathy Stearman, Former FBI Agent

On May 14, we had our first combined in-person and Zoom meeting held at the Middletown Library. What a thrill to get to see chapter members Susan Bell, Leanne Edelen, Patience Martin, Elaine Munsch, Lorena Peter, Jeanette Pope, and Miki Reilly-Howe in person!

And many thanks to Elaine Munsch for arranging such a dynamic speaker for us. Kathy Stearman, author of IT’S NOT ABOUT THE GUN, LESSONS FROM MY GLOBAL CAREER AS A FEMALE FBI AGENT, was a wonderfully informative storyteller and was refreshingly open about her opinions as well as her experiences.

Elaine had terrific technical help from Susan and Leanne on Zooming the meeting, and assistance from Patience, Jeanette, and Lorena on everything else!


Lisa Henneberg

For our June 11 meeting, our favorite motorcycle-riding author and chapter member Lisa Haneberg will be our guest speaker at 1 PM.

Her talk is titled: “Are you a Methodical Writer, Mystery Maverick, or Both?” I am already intrigued!

Read more about Lisa here.

Prior to Lisa’s talk, we’ll have a short business meeting and Miki Reilly-Howe will do another brief presentation on the craft book we’re working our way through, Janet Burroway’s WRITING FICTION, A GUIDE TO NARRATIVE CRAFT.


As some of you know, we’ve made some changes this year that grew out of our retreat. I’m especially delighted that our critique group is going strong. It is so valuable to get regular encouragement and feedback from fellow writers. I also love that we’ve added a professional development piece to our programming, and a special shoutout to Miki Reilly-Howe who volunteered to take over leading our sessions on Burroway’s craft book. Miki is an excellent presenter who designs the world’s best Power Points!

Critique Group

The Critique group meets bi-weekly to share our manuscripts for review. The merry band now includes Leanne Edelen, as well as Elaine Munsch, Miki Reilly-Howe, Susan Bell, Pamela Hirschler, and Sherry Youngquist. Sadly, Lorena Peter is taking a hiatus due to a busy schedule this summer.

Because our group is geographically scattered, we do these critique sessions exclusively via zoom.

Member News

Elaine Munsch reports that she’ll be attending the Writer’s Police Academy at the beginning of June. 

On June 25, she’ll participate in the North Coast Indie Authors Book Fair held in Lorain, Ohio.




All for now. We hope to see you on June 11th!

One Reply to “President’s Corner – Face-to-Face Is a Thrill!”

  1. Awesome report, Lynn. Thanks! Congratulations and way to go, Elaine, and nice program organization. Thanks for your work on the classes, Mikki. Susan, as always, thanks for managing the website. This is a great group that keeps moving forward.

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