
We invite anyone who is interested in what we do to be our guest and attend up to three meetings per year. After that, if you’re still interested (and we hope you will be!), we invite you to join us by becoming a member.

Because we are a local chapter of the national Sisters in Crime organization, membership in our chapter requires membership in the national group. What are the benefits of national Sisters in Crime?

  • Discounts on industry publications and mystery magazines
  • Book covers displayed on the website
  • Social media platform promotions
  • Networking opportunities
  • Grants
  • Access to the Guppies Chapter (which offers on-line classes and numerous resources for emerging writers)
  • Access to webinars and classes, as well as Write-Ins
  • And so much more!

The cost for professional membership in national Sisters in Crime is $50 per year. The cost for Active members (readers and fans) is $40 per year.

Once you’ve joined Sisters in Crime, we’d love for you to join our local chapter. Dues are $15 per year. We offer a chance to participate in a supportive community of mystery authors and readers.

Join us today!

Membership Inquiry

Tell us how you heard about us!


Sisters in Crime Code of Conduct

As a chapter of Sisters in Crime, we comply with the national organization’s code of conduct:

Code of Conduct t