Need a Breakthrough? Consider Taking a Break

With the end of 2023 in sight, I reread my January post in this blog. There it was in black and white: my commitment to finish the first draft of my book this calendar year. The good news is I’m close. The bad news is that, in writing the final chapters, my plot began to collapse like a Florida sinkhole.

I spent most of the summer revising. Then I deleted entire chapters and began again. Eventually, I created more problems than I’d fixed. The story felt like a dead end, and I seriously considered deleting the entire manuscript. I needed a breakthrough.

It was pure serendipity that a class I’d been wanting to take became available during this trying time. The class was on Lyric Essay, and I’d watched it sell out twice already this year. I put my story aside and signed up for ten weeks of writing something entirely different.

Lyric essay is a relatively new form of creative non-fiction. Describing the sub-genre as “essay” is a bit of a stretch. The form is a hybrid of poetry and memoir. Where traditional essays aim to persuade, lyric essays tend to hypnotize.

The best example of this form, if you are interested, is Happily by Sabrina Orah Mark. A beautifully written memoir, each chapter is an essay that braids the author’s experience of raising her two children with her vast knowledge of fairy tales, revealing strangely contemporary insights. It’s stunning.

The class I took focused on structure like the braiding found in Happily, but also juxtaposed vignettes, collages, alphabetical lists, photographs, fortune cookies, body parts, even notes in a medical file with topic prompts to uncover a new way to write about personal experiences. It was cathartic, and I found myself wrestling with topics I’d never had the guts to write about previously.

When the class ended, I had nine essays in my queue and a fresh outlook on structure and language. I opened my manuscript and that dead end disappeared. Sometimes, taking a break can lead to a breakthrough.

Video: Detective Brian Kane Talks Crime Solving – Factual Analysis and Decision Strategy

Retired Detective Brian Kane gave a fabulous talk to our chapter on: Crime Solving – Factual Analysis and Decision Strategy. He was informative and funny and engaging. And he showed us an actual interrogation video of a murder suspect, and analyzed for us how he broke down the guy’s bogus alibi. Fascinating stuff. See for yourself below, for those who missed the meeting. And I know I’m going to watch again and again. Great tips if you’re writing about police investigation of a crime. Thanks to Detective Kane, and thanks to DRS Program Chair Miki Reilly-Howe for getting this guest speaker!


Member News – September

Elaine Munsch says

I’m pleased to announce that Mystery and Horror, LLC, has agreed to publish the seventh Dash Hammond book, OLD SINS. The book should be out later this fall, depending on the Hurricane and if I make it back from Scotland. As soon as I get a cover, I’ll let you all know. Just remember what Hercule Poirot (among others) said: Old sins cast long shadows.

Lynn Slaughter  is thrilled that her unpublished middle grade novel, THE BIG SWITCH: VARNEY AND CEDRIC, was named a finalist for the Leapfrog Global Fiction Prize in the young adult/middle grade category.

Lynn’s article on character development appeared in Writer’s Digest:

Article Link

Lynn’s piece on mysteries for performing arts lovers appeared in CrimeReads:

Article Link



Carol Preflatish will be signing books at the Greater Clark County Schools Craft Fair on September 23 at The Fetter Center, 1611 E 10th Street, Jeffersonville, Indiana from 8 am to 3 pm.

Detective Brian Kane Talks Crime Solving: Factual Analysis and Decision Strategy

Be sure to join us via zoom for September 9 guest speaker, retired Covington Detective Brian Kane. Brian will talk to us about:

Crime Solving: Factual Analysis and Decision Strategy

  • When: September 9, 2023
  • Time11:30 am EST
  • Where: this meeting is zoom only this month. Please use the following link to register. The meeting will be recorded and posted later.

Zoom Registration Link

NOTE:  The meeting registration will show start time of 11am. That is our chapter business meeting. Detective Kemp will speak at 11:30am. If you don’t wish to attend the business meeting, register, and log in shortly before 11:30am.

Brian Kane began his law enforcement career in 1994 as a deputy with the Campbell County Sheriff. In 1999, he moved to the Covington Police Department where he spent the remainder of his career.

In 2007, Brian was promoted to Detective in the Criminal Investigations Bureau, handling burglaries and low-level felony cases. In 2010, Brian was elevated to the Major Case Unit and was responsible for suspicious deaths, homicides, felonious assaults and rape cases. He was later promoted to Detective Sergeant, supervising 10 Detectives and 4 evidence technicians and served a dual role as the lead investigator with the Internal Affairs Unit. He retired in 2020.

He was an active member of the Covington SWAT Team for 14 years and is a Certified Firearms Instructor through the Commonwealth of Kentucky’s Department of Justice. During his service, Brian received many notable awards, including the Meritorious Valor Award, two Distinguished Service Awards, a Departmental Unit Citation and recognition from the U.S. Army 5th Group Special Forces Group – Airborne.

Today, Brian owns Active Solutions & Consulting, a training and consulting practice. He lives in Newport, Kentucky with his wife, Kelly, of 27 years. They have three daughters, a dog, a cat, and a turtle.

Member News – August

Pam Hirschler  is proud to share that her short story, “High Roller,” has been accepted for publication in the Speed City Writers Anthology, Amber Waves of Graves, (writing as P.K. Richard).

Pamela Hirschler (writing crime fiction as P.K. Richard) is a cyber security analyst when she is not writing poetry and short stories. A member of the Derby Rotten Scoundrels, the Speed City Sisters in Crime, and the Mystery Writers of America, she is working on her first mystery novel. She studied creative writing at Morehead University and has an MFA in Poetry from Drew University. She lives in Frankfort, Kentucky, with her husband, Bruce, and in her spare time can often be found hiking, camping, painting, or spending time with her five children and their families.  Website:  P.K. Richard website arriving soon.


Leanne Edelen’s short story, “The Perfect Match,” was accepted to be published in the Speed CIty Chapter’s Anthology, Amber Waves of Graves.  She is so excited about this publication and is also eagerly awaiting the release of Strangely Funny X which will include her short story, “Playing Possum.”






Lynn Slaughter is thrilled to share that DEADLY SETUP has been named a finalist for Killer Nashville’s Silver Falchion Award (, and her work-in-progress, MISSING MOM, has been named a finalist for Killer Nashville’s Claymore Award ( for unpublished manuscripts.

Lynn is also excited to be a faculty member at Killer Nashville later this month:




Lynn Slaughter’s first adult mystery, MISSED CUE, came out from Melange Books on August 8th.






Lynda Rees, The Murder Guru, is signing books at  Killer Nashville :

  • Friday, 8/18 5:00-5:20
  • Saturday, 8/19 11-11:20
  • Sunday 8/20 11-11:20

Location: Nashville, TN. Address: Embassy Suites by Hilton, 820 Crescent Centre Drive, Franklin, TN 37067.