President’s Corner – Busy Autumn for Derby Rotten Scoundrels!

By the time the Louisville Literary Arts’ Block Festival rolls around on November 12, I will have been on the road to attend four writing festivals in the space of a few weeks. And as you’ll be able to tell from our members’ writing news below, I’m hardly alone in finding fall an especially busy time for us Scoundrels!

But first an update on our October chapter meeting. While we were terribly disappointed that our speaker, private investigator Susan Spaulding, had to postpone her talk due to a family illness, we were treated to another terrific presentation on Janet Burroway’s classic craft book, Writing Fiction, by chapter member Miki Reilly-Howe. Along with the establishment of our lively critique group, I view the inclusion of craft presentations in our monthly meetings to be one of our group’s most positive additions to our activities.

Catherine-LuttingerMeantime, we have an outstanding speaker slated for our November 12 meeting. Developmental editor Catherine Luttinger, who spent several years working for Stephen King’s agent and editor, will speak to us about “The Fine Art of Editing and Finding a Literary Agent.”





On December 3, from 1-3 PM, chapter members Susan Bell, Gloria Casale, Elaine Munsch, Jeanette Pope, Carol Preflatish, Lynda Rees, and I will be doing a holiday book signing at the Hurstbourne Barnes and Noble in Louisville. Books make great holiday gifts, and we hope you’ll attend and support our hard-working authors! 

Following the book signing, we’ll adjourn for our holiday luncheon to the Hurstbourne Olive Garden where we’ll elect our board members for 2023 and present our Volunteer of the Year Award to Elaine Munsch.

We’re still hoping to find a publicist for our group, but we do have a slate of nominees for our other officers for the coming year:

Elaine Munsch- President

Vice-President- Carol Preflatish

Secretary- Leanne Edelen

Treasurer- Patience Martin

Programs- Miki Reilly-Howe

Webmaster/Membership- Susan Bell


Haunting Front CoverElaine Munsch’s latest Dash Hammond adventure, A HAUNTING AT MARIANWOOD, is about to be released by Mystery & Horror LLC. On October 14, the publisher did an exciting cover reveal! Meantime, Elaine will travel to Indianapolis October 28-30 for the Prime Crime Festival.

Check out Elaine’s author page on Facebook:  E. M. Munsch.






Carol Preflatish, author of the Nathan Perry mystery series, has several signing events in October and November:

  • October 14 & 15, Glasstoberfest at Zimmerman’s Art Glass, Chestnut Street, Corydon, Indiana
  • October 28-30, Prime Crime in Indianapolis
  • November 5, Purrs in the City, Jeffersonville, Indiana
  • November 12, Louisville Literary Arts’ Block Festival, Sellersburg, Indiana

For specific times and locations, check out Carol’s website,


Lynn Slaughter’s DEADLY SETUP received the Moonbeam Children’s Book Awards silver medal. Coming up:



Lynn Slaughter
Lynn Slaughter, President, Derby Rotten Scoundrels

All for now! We hope to see many of you at our November 12 chapter meeting.


Our Next Speaker: Susan Spaulding, Private Investigator

Susan Spaulding
Our next speaker will be Private Investigator Susan Spaulding, on October 8 at 1pm, at the St. Matthews Eline library. Our meeting will be a hybrid in-person/zoom meeting.  An invite with zoom details will be sent out closer to the event.
Susan Spaulding is a licensed Private Investigator covering the state of KY for the past 16 years.
She is the owner of Confidential Investigations and Surveillance and travels IN, TN, and MO as well conducting surveillance.
Sue is originally from Upstate New York having moved to Louisville in 1995.
She specializes in Surveillance covering cases such as Workers Comp, Child Custody, Insurance Fraud and Infidelity.
She finds her job most interesting and rewarding helping and talking to new clients every day.

President’s Corner – Gear Up and Get Organized for Busy Autumn of Writing

On Saturday, September 10, a dozen of us gathered for a combined in-person and Zoom chapter meeting held at the Middletown Library. After a short business meeting, Miki Reilly-Howe gave an excellent presentation on the second half of Chapter Five from Janet Burroway’s classic craft book, WRITING FICTION. One of the things we especially value about Miki’s presentations is the outstanding examples she chooses to illustrate her points.

Following Miki’s presentation, we heard from our guest speaker, chapter member Carol Preflatish, author of the Nathan Perry mystery series, who provided us with a plethora of handy tips about how she stays organized as a writer. She shared her novel “bibles” in which she keeps track of everything she may need to refer to, ranging from character descriptions to research about her setting and subject matter, to her submission records. She advised developing a writing process and method of organization that works for each of us as individual writers. Carol shared lots of tricks she uses to remember plot or character ideas she thinks of at random moments, including a tiny recorder and A LOT of post-it-notes! And she reminded us of the importance of backing up our work.

Our October 8th chapter meeting will be another combination in-person and Zoom meeting which will be held at the St. Matthews Library in Louisville. Our featured guest speaker will be private investigator Susan Spaulding.


Elaine Munsch is happy to announce the publication of her latest Dash Hammond adventure, A HAUNTING AT MARIANWOOD. Mystery & Horror LLC, the fantastic publisher of MYSTERY WITH A SPLASH OF BOURBON, will be publishing the book in October. She looks forward to sharing the cover with you soon.



Carol Preflatish appeared on the Star Chamber Show Blog Talk Radio on Wednesday, September 14. To listen to the recording, go to: Star Chamber Show




Lynda Rees reports that she’s submitted queries for FLIP OR FLOP, MURDER HOUSE, to a couple of publishers. One asked for the complete manuscript, stating it scored really high on their rating system. All fingers are crossed!





Lynn Slaughter’s novel, LEISHA’S SONG, received the Silver Falchion Award for best juvenile/YA mystery. On September 29 and 30, she’ll be at the Heartland Book Festival where she’ll do a Friday student workshop, “Let’s Cook up a Mystery,” and a Saturday presentation, “Intro to Writing Young Adult Fiction.”

All for now. We hope to see you on October 8th at our next chapter meeting.



President’s Corner – What Happens After You’ve Typed “The End”?

On Saturday, August 13, nine of us gathered via Zoom for a brief chapter meeting and a lively presentation by Miki Reilly-Howe on Burroway’s Chapter Five from Writing Fiction, followed by a fascinating and informative guest speaker, Judith Turner-Yamamoto, interviewed by Miki.

Judith, an award-winning author, poet, and journalist, spoke to us about her journey to publication for her debut novel, Loving the Dead and Gone, a finalist for the 2020 Petrichor Prize, due out in September from Regal House. You can view the recording of Judith’s talk here: 

Judith Turner Yamamoto

After sharing a riveting excerpt of her beautiful novel, she spoke about how in this past year, she’s devoted herself to publicizing her novel and ensuring its successful launch. This has involved multiple steps, including:



  • Having a professional website (
  • Making a list of everyone in her network
  • Securing blurbs from noted authors
  • Garnering reviews from major industry publications such as Kirkus Reviews and Publishers Weekly
  • “Mastering social media”
  • Arranging events with bookstores
  • Setting up giveaways on Goodreads

She highly recommended that we take advantage of the many resources offered by Dan Blank on his website,

A key takeaway from Judith’s presentation was that after a writer has typed “The End” and secured publication, the work continues. In today’s publishing world, the vast majority of authors are expected to do the lion’s share of marketing and publicizing their books. She’s a wonderful example of someone who has put the work in to ensure a successful launch. We’re so grateful to Miki for arranging for Judith’s visit with us.

As for what’s coming up, we’re delighted to return to a combined face-to-face/Zoom chapter meeting on September 10 at the Middletown Library. Our very own Carol Preflatish will speak to us about “How to Be an Organized Writer.”


Carol Preflatish did a super “Meet and Greet the Author” session at the Jeffersonville Indiana Library on August 6.

She talked about the research involved in her latest book, WITCH HUNT, the third book of her Nathan Perry Mystery series.



Lynda Rees‘ middle-grade mystery, Freckle Face & Blondie, is now in audio. The second book in Lynda Rees’ middle-grade series, The Thinking Tree, Freckle Face & Blondie 2 , just launched in audiobook as well.  Lynda is anxiously awaiting news from a couple of publishers who asked for full MS after reading three chapters of her work in progress, Flip or Flop, Murder House.





Lynn Slaughter’s first adult mystery, MISSED CUE, will be published by Melange Books in the summer of 2023. Her recently released YA novel, DEADLY SETUP, received a lovely review in Mystery and Suspense:

She’s also excited to share that she’ll be a participating author at several upcoming events: Killer Nashville, the Heartland Book Festival, the Louisville Book Festival, the Kentucky Book Festival, and Louisville Literary Arts Book Festival.

DRS News Update – August Guest Speaker is Judith Turner-Yamamoto

Hot Off the Press: Update on our August guest speaker!

We’re delighted to announce that Judith Turner-Yamamoto will be our guest speaker at our August 13 meeting.

Her debut novel, Loving the Dead and Gone, comes out on September 6 from Regal House Publishing, Sour Mash Southern Literature series. Chapter member Miki Reilly-Howe will be interviewing the 2020 Petrichor Prize finalist about the long process from writing to publication, as well as the masterful steps she has taken to ensure her novel’s success.


Judith Turner-Yamamoto’s work has appeared in StorySOUTHMississippi Review, Snake Nation Review, and American Literary Review, among others, and in many anthologies, including Walking the Edge: A Southern Gothic Anthology, Show Us Your Papers, and Gravity Dancers. Her awards include two Virginia Arts Commission fellowships, an Ohio Arts Council fellowship, VCCA and Fundación Valparaiso fellowship residencies, the Thomas Wolfe Fiction Prize, the Washington Prize for Fiction, and the Virginia Screenwriting Award. Her article assignments, which include interviews with such luminaries as Frank Gehry and Annie Leibovitz, have taken her all over the world, and she has published more than a thousand cover stories and features on the arts, design, architecture, interiors and gardens, travel, food, fashion, and books in such publications as The Boston Globe Magazine, Elle, Interiors, Art & Antiques, The Los Angeles Times, and Travel & Leisure.