By the time the Louisville Literary Arts’ Block Festival rolls around on November 12, I will have been on the road to attend four writing festivals in the space of a few weeks. And as you’ll be able to tell from our members’ writing news below, I’m hardly alone in finding fall an especially busy time for us Scoundrels!
But first an update on our October chapter meeting. While we were terribly disappointed that our speaker, private investigator Susan Spaulding, had to postpone her talk due to a family illness, we were treated to another terrific presentation on Janet Burroway’s classic craft book, Writing Fiction, by chapter member Miki Reilly-Howe. Along with the establishment of our lively critique group, I view the inclusion of craft presentations in our monthly meetings to be one of our group’s most positive additions to our activities.
Meantime, we have an outstanding speaker slated for our November 12 meeting. Developmental editor Catherine Luttinger, who spent several years working for Stephen King’s agent and editor, will speak to us about “The Fine Art of Editing and Finding a Literary Agent.”
On December 3, from 1-3 PM, chapter members Susan Bell, Gloria Casale, Elaine Munsch, Jeanette Pope, Carol Preflatish, Lynda Rees, and I will be doing a holiday book signing at the Hurstbourne Barnes and Noble in Louisville. Books make great holiday gifts, and we hope you’ll attend and support our hard-working authors!
Following the book signing, we’ll adjourn for our holiday luncheon to the Hurstbourne Olive Garden where we’ll elect our board members for 2023 and present our Volunteer of the Year Award to Elaine Munsch.
We’re still hoping to find a publicist for our group, but we do have a slate of nominees for our other officers for the coming year:
Elaine Munsch- President
Vice-President- Carol Preflatish
Secretary- Leanne Edelen
Treasurer- Patience Martin
Programs- Miki Reilly-Howe
Webmaster/Membership- Susan Bell
Elaine Munsch’s latest Dash Hammond adventure, A HAUNTING AT MARIANWOOD, is about to be released by Mystery & Horror LLC. On October 14, the publisher did an exciting cover reveal! Meantime, Elaine will travel to Indianapolis October 28-30 for the Prime Crime Festival.
Check out Elaine’s author page on Facebook: E. M. Munsch.
Carol Preflatish, author of the Nathan Perry mystery series, has several signing events in October and November:
- October 14 & 15, Glasstoberfest at Zimmerman’s Art Glass, Chestnut Street, Corydon, Indiana
- October 28-30, Prime Crime in Indianapolis
- November 5, Purrs in the City, Jeffersonville, Indiana
- November 12, Louisville Literary Arts’ Block Festival, Sellersburg, Indiana
For specific times and locations, check out Carol’s website,
Lynn Slaughter’s DEADLY SETUP received the Moonbeam Children’s Book Awards silver medal. Coming up:
- October 28, Louisville Book Festival (Lynn will participate in a panel, “Why YA?” at the KY International Convention Center in downtown Louisville)
- October 29, Kentucky Book Festival, Joseph Beth Booksellers, Lexington, KY
- November 12, Louisville Literary Arts Block Festival, Ivy Tech Community College, Sellersburg, Indiana (Lynn will present a workshop, “Writing Young Adult Fiction 101”)

All for now! We hope to see many of you at our November 12 chapter meeting.