September 14 Meeting – Celebrate Agatha Christie!

Join us for our first in person DRS meeting in quite awhile! On September 14 at 11am, join us for a celebration of Agatha Christie’s birthday. 

Sandra Leonard and Elaine Munsch will give a talk about Dame Agatha’s life, her works and her writing techniques. A birthday cake will be on hand so please RSVP so we know whether to order a cupcake or sheet cake. A quiz (with prizes) just might take place as well. Invite your friends.

  • When: September 14, 2024
  • Time:  11:00 am EST
  • Where:  Middletown Library.
  • This meeting will also be zoomed. Please use the following link to register. 

Zoom Registration Link

In addition to our celebration of Agatha Christie, the following items are on the gaenda:

Business: We need candidates for the 2025 Chapter Board. ALL positions will be available. Interested parties should email so we can put your name in the hat. Don’t be shy. Ask any questions about the positions.

There is an interest in forming a ‘marketing’ subcommittee to promote the chapter and the authors within. We’ll talk about this at the meeting but if you are interested, please reach out to Lorena.

Critiques: Beginning in October, we will try to accommodate anyone who wishes to submit a piece. We can only read/review two submissions at a meeting. Please remember that the piece should be 3000 words or less, double-spaced, New Times Roman, 12 point. Submissions should be sent to the membership one week before the meeting. Interested in sending something in for October, please let Miki know so she can schedule it.